

1. NAME:
The name of the society shall be the Tamils Information Technology Society (Singapore).

2. OBJECTIVES (Amended and Approved by ROS on 5.11.2024)

2.1 To organise regular cultural events, festivals, and performances, showcasing the talents of local and international Tamil artists.
2.2 To support and nurture emerging Tamil artists, providing them opportunities to develop their skills and gain exposure.
2.3 To preserve and document essential aspects of Tamil arts, history, and traditions for future generations.
2.4 To establish collaborations and partnerships with other cultural organisations, government agencies, and community groups to enhance the impact of cultural initiatives.
2.5 To promote the recognition and appreciation of Tamil arts, culture and digital technology within the broader Singapore society.

3. MEMBERSHIP: Tamils who are Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible for membership. (Amended and Approved by ROS on 5.11.2024)

4. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: The application for membership shall be in a prescribed form and addressed to the Hon. Secretary of the Society.

5. The Committee shall have the power to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.

6.1 The Membership of the Society shall consist of Ordinary, Life, and Associate.

6.2 Ordinary Membership:
a. The annual subscription fee (ending 31st December) of Singapore Fifty Dollars (S$50.00), together with the one-time entrance fee of Singapore Five Dollars (S$5.00) shall be payable on application for membership.
b. They shall pay in advance the pro-rated annual subscription on their joining the society and in the subsequent years, they shall pay in advance the full-year annual subscription by 15th January of the following year.
c. Ordinary Members shall be able to attend the Annual General Meetings and shall have voting rights as long as they have paid in advance their pro-rated annual subscription for the first year of membership at least three months annual subscription for the first year of membership at least three months before the Annual General Meetings; and in the subsequent years, as long as they have paid in advance their full-year subscription by 15th January of that year.

6.3 Life Membership:
a. Application shall be made with a one-time membership fee of Singapore Two Hundred Dollars (S$200.00) together with a one-time entrance fee of Singapore Five dollars (S$5.00).
b. Life Members shall be able to attend the Annual General Meetings and shall have voting rights as long as they join the society at least three months before the Annual General Meetings.

6.4 Associate Membership:
a. Senior Citizens who are 60 years old and above and those who are 21 years old and below as well as full-time students at local or overseas recognised tertiary institutions at the time of application are eligible to be Associate Members. They shall only pay a one-time Entrance fee of Singapore Five Dollars (S$5.00).
b. Associate Members shall be able to attend the Annual General Meetings but shall have no voting rights. Since they have no voting rights, they shall not be eligible to hold office in the Management Committee.
c. On attaining the age of 21 years old or when they complete their full-time studies at local or overseas recognised tertiary institutions, their membership shall automatically be converted to Ordinary Membership with effect from their 21st Birthdates or their graduation dates, whichever are applicable; unless otherwise advised in advance by the members concerned if they are continuing with their full-time studies.
d. They shall pay in advance the pro-rated annual subscription for the first year of conversion of membership from Associate to Ordinary Membership, and in the subsequent years, they shall pay in advance the full year subscription of Singapore Fifty Dollars (S$50.00) by 15th January of the following year.
e. On becoming Ordinary Members, they shall be able to attend the Annual General Meetings and shall have voting rights as long as they have paid in advance their pro-rated annual subscription for the first year of conversion from Associate to Ordinary Membership at least three months before the AGM and in the subsequent years, as long as their full-year subscription has been paid by 15th January of that year.

7. RESIGNATION: A member wishing to resign shall send his resignation in writing to the Hon. Secretary and pay up all arrears, if any.

8. EXPULSION OF A MEMBER Members who break any of the rules of this society shall be expelled. The expulsion of a member shall be decided by the Management expelled. The expulsion of a member shall be decided by the Management Committee whose decision shall be final.

9. RE-ADMISSION OF A MEMBER: A member once expelled wishing to re-join the Society shall comply with Rules Nos. 4 & 8 and pay up all arrears, if any.

10. PATRONS: The Management Committee may elect distinguished Singaporeans as Patrons of the society, and they shall not be eligible to hold office in the Association.

11. ADVISOR: The Management Committee may invite distinguished Singaporeans (preferably a Minister or MP) as Advisor of the Society, and they shall not be eligible to hold office in the Association.

12.1 The management of the society shall be vested in the hands of the Management Committee. 
(1) The President; 
(2) Vice President;
(3) Hon. Secretary;
(4) An Asst. Hon. Secretary;
(5) Hon. Treasurer;
(6) An Asst. Hon Treasurer;
(7) Seven members of the Committee and;
(8) A Hon Auditor shall be elected by vote at the Annual General Meeting of the society.
12.2. The out-going Committee shall hold office until the in-coming Committee takes office at a Committee Meeting which shall be held within 14 days after the Annual Gen. Meeting.
12.3. A dramatic and musical sub-committees to manage the dramatic and orchestral affairs consisting of 3 or more members shall be elected at the first Committee Meeting.
12.4 The Management Committee shall hold not less than one meeting monthly, when necessary, and the quorum for such shall be 5 in number.

13.1 The Management Committee shall have the power to elect or reject any of the paid officer or servant of the society.
13.2 The Management Committee shall have the power to give the final decision to any question that may be brought before them.
13.3 Unless otherwise decided, the President and the Hon. Secretary shall attend all meetings in their respective roles.
13.4 Any member of the Committee failing to attend three consecutive meetings shall automatically cease to be a member of the Committee.
13.5 The Management Committee shall have the power to execute any objects of the society which shall require their immediate attention.

14.1 The President shall take the chair at all meetings. In his absence, one of the members of the Committee present at that meeting shall take the chair.
14.2 With the permission of the Committee, the President shall execute all matters of society.
14.3 In the absence of the President, one of the Committee shall take over charge of his duties.
14.4 Under the supervision of the Management Committee, the Hon.
(1) The treasurer shall collect all monies and expend them as directed.
(2) He shall keep proper books of accounts which shall be brought before the Committee at every monthly meeting.
(3) He shall deposit all monies in the Bank appointed by the Committee.
(4) All cheques shall be signed by persons appointed by the Committee.
(5) He shall not keep more than $ 25 /- at a time in his possession, unless at special occasions authorised by the Committee.
(6) He shall submit particulars of monies due and arrears of subscriptions at every monthly Committee Meeting.
14.5 In the absence of the Hon. Treasurer, the Assistant Hon. Treasurer shall take charge of his duties. At other times he shall assist the Hon. Treasurer in his duties.
14.6 Under the orders of the Management Committee, the Hon. Secretary shall conduct the general duties of the society. He shall consult the Committee on all important matters of the society and shall submit his reports at the earliest opportunity.
14.7 The Hon. Secretary shall keep all correspondence, minute books particulars of resolutions passed at meetings, register of membership, and any other records pertaining to the society.
14.8 In the absence of the Hon. Secretary the Assistant Hon. Secretary shall take charge of his duties. At other times he shall assist the Hon. Secretary in his duties. 14.9 The Hon Auditor shall audit the accounts of the Society quarterly.

15. MEETINGS: The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in the month of July or on a date fixed by the Management Committee. The Agenda at such meetings shall be:-
15.1 To read minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, the resolutions, annual reports and accounts, and confirm if accepted.
15.2 To elect the Management Committee and the Hon. Auditor for the ensuing year.
15.3 To deal with any correspondence that may have come to the Hon. Secretary beforehand.
15.4 Notice of every general meeting shall be distributed to members ten days before the date of the meeting.
15.5 Extra-ordinary (special) general meetings shall be called within one month of the receipt of orders from the Management Committee to discuss urgent or important matters of the society at that time.
15.6 The quorum at such general meetings shall not be less than one fourth of the members of the society at that time.

16.1 Members may bring friends into the society's premises, but the names and addresses of such friends shall be recorded in the Visitor's Book especially kept for the purpose, but the member introducing such visitor shall be responsible for any visitor's good behaviour and observance of the rules and bye-laws of the society.
16.2 Any person who has been expelled from the society or any person who is thought by the Committee to be unfit to be brought into the society shall not be brought into the society’s premises.
16.3 Any member is privileged to inspect the books of the society at the Society's office or by giving three clear days’ notice to the Hon. Secretary.
16.4 Any member found breaking or damaging any property of the society shall be liable to pay for the cost of replacing the same.
16.5 No member is allowed to take away any of the property of the society without the previous sanction of the Hon. Secretary.
16.6. No alterations or additions to these rules shall be made except at a general meeting, and they shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.
16.7 The Society's Orchestra will give free music service at a member's marriage or birthday celebration or a member's child's function. For functions of a member's family, the transport charges shall be paid by such members.
16.8 The only person who has been a member of the society for more than three months will be afforded the privileges mentioned in Rule No. 16.7.
16.9 The society shall not engage in politics or permit its premises to be used for political purposes. It shall not devote any of its funds to political purposes, nor shall it permit the raising of special subscriptions to be devoted to such purposes.
16.10 Gambling of any kind, whether for stakes or not, is forbidden on the Society's premises. The introduction of materials for gambling and bad characters into the premises is prohibited.
16.11 The funds of the society shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in Court.
16.12 The society shall not attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activities as defined in the Trade Union Ordinance 1940.
16.13 The society shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the society or of its office bearers, Committee, or members.

B Y E - L A W S
1. The Managing Committee shall appoint the Teacher and the Director for the dramatic Section.
2. The Teacher or the Director Jointly or severally shall choose the actor or actress for a drama.
3. Any person appointed as assistant to the Teacher or Director shall be considered as the Teacher or Director as the case may be.
4. All actors and actresses shall be under the direct command of the Teacher or Director.
5. All actors and actresses shall obey the command of the Teacher or Director.
6. All complaints shall be ledged in writing to the Committee, and no one is permitted to make troubles or pick quarrels personally with anyone.
7. From the time a rehearsal starts on a drama and until the staging of such drama, under no condition whatsoever shall an actor or actress absent himself or herself nor is he or she permitted to resign from his or her post of actorship.
8. There are exceptions for emergencies which shall be with the previous sanction of the Committee.
9. Every actor or actress shall be present at the appointed time at each rehearsal.
10. No visitor is allowed into the society’s premises on rehearsal days.
11. Any person failing to attend rehearsals regularly shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final.